Dead man posed at funeral home

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Fernando in chair

Most people bury the dead with a certain respectful ceremony. This time the family took things a bit further. Perhaps their love and admiration for them was taken to whole different level. At San Juan Puerto Rico, a funeral home dose things kind of differently. They are known as the Marin Funeral Home and decided to honor the request made by the family. Their fallen family member was displayed publicly in a rather unconventional way.

His name was Fernando de Jesús Díaz Beato, he had lost his life from crossfire outside the families home in March of this year. The family insisted they wanted Fernando to live on in spirit, they wanted him to be set free and wanted to remember him as if he were still alive.

Fernando family

What the family decided on was making Fernando appear alive. He was posed sitting on a chair from his mothers home. Many think this display was not in good taste however for the family, they were happy and for them this was the best way to send him into the afterlife.

Fernando was just 26 years old, with a full life ahead of him. The violence and the tragedy has shaken up this community in Puerto Rico. Fernando’s sister Lhizz Diaz Beato mentioned that the family wants people to simply remember Fernando for who he was. He was a happy and active person before being shot and killed. The reason for the shooting is still yet to be determined.

The funeral home continues to received a lot of hate for what they are doing. Many people feel that a closed casket ceremony is more tasteful. There are those who prefer an open casket to view their lost loved ones. This is something else entirely. So far, the Marin Funeral Home has assisted in nine other non-traditional funerals. They mentioned “If that’s something that the family wants, why wouldn’t you do it?”

Fernando with cigar

Fernando’s mother Diaz turned from tears of sadness and sorrow to something else. She even seemed more at peace from the situation after seeing her son sitting upright in the chair. It was as if Fernando communicated back to her in some way. She said “He was the same son that she remembered”. Nobody knows what is in store for us until we are gone from this world. There have been so many speculations about the afterlife and what happens to us beyond the grave.

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