Strange sounds heard in Allen, Texas

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Located in Allen, Texas about six years ago, strange sounds were heard. These sounds were distinctively loud in the video. These occurrences have continued to happen for many years. People have been scratching their heads, trying to figure out what exactly all of this is.

Strange sounds heard in small town Texas

This isn’t the only location where unusual noises have consistently been heard. All around the world, people have reported hearing these types of sounds. One thing is, they are all comparably loud, having screeching type sounds. In some locations, the noises have intensified. It is difficult to imagine, that these sounds are just some kind of natural occurrence happening.

Speculations have run high, regarding these types of happenings. Everything from aliens to trumpets being blown, from heaven to the Earth. Some think biblically, that this is a warning of sorts that the end is near. People don’t really know what to make of all of this. However, people are reacting to it differently. Skeptics simply think it’s nothing, believers think that perhaps something else is happening altogether.

Strange sounds heard in Texas

It is easy enough, to shrug off these events, thinking they are simply nothing to be concerned about. This isn’t the best solution. Further scientific studies need to happen and documentation so that people can know the truth of things. There are far too many mysteries on Earth that mankind doesn’t have answers for yet. If dinosaurs once existed, then why can’t something else?

Strange sounds heard in Allen Texas

Where these sounds were heard in Allen, Texas was a most unusual day for these young people. This part of Texas, is a suburb of Dallas. An estimated 85,000 people live in the Collin County, Texas area. Someone mentioned, this might well be related to the following passage in the Bible:

“And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” – Matthew 24:31

In the United States, reports of this happening in other locations such as Fort Wayne, IN have been mentioned as well. While this both strange and disturbing at the same time, it might be related to some kind of government testing being conducted. Many have wondered if there is an established underground series of cities being built for a future great war, perhaps even intergalactic.

One theory is that these sounds are when hot air is above cold air. It consequently produces a normally heard sound that is then reflected back by the hot air towards Earth. These types of sounds, don’t really resonate well because the higher frequencies are gone.

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