Harvard Scientist Finds Interstellar Objects In The Pacific Ocean

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In a recent interview with Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave, Professor Avi Loeb discussed his work on looking for alien objects in the ocean. Loeb is the author of the book “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth,” in which he argues that the Oumuamua object, which was observed passing through our solar system in 2017, was likely an alien spacecraft. In the interview, Loeb said that he believes that the ocean is a likely place to find alien objects. 

He pointed out that the ocean covers 71% of the Earth’s surface and that it is a vast and largely unexplored environment. He also said that objects that have fallen into the ocean from space are likely to be preserved there. Loeb is currently working on a project to search for alien objects in the ocean called “Breakthrough Listen Ocean Search.” 

The project, which is funded by Breakthrough Initiatives, a non-profit organization dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, is using a network of underwater hydrophones to listen for radio signals from alien objects. This project could lead to evidence of extraterrestrial life being discovered by humans for the first time if not already.

Avi Loeb holds shards of corroded iron that he recovered from the magnetic sled from Run 6 in IM1’s debris site. These shards resemble the composition of two types of strong steel.

The ocean is a vast and unexplored frontier, full of potential for finding alien objects. Breakthrough Listen Ocean Search, which is a unique and powerful tool, could help us to find these objects. Loeb’s arguments in this interview are persuasive, and the potential benefits of the project are exciting. 

It will be interesting to see what the team finds when they begin their search. The search for alien objects in the ocean is an important and fascinating endeavor. While it is possible that we will not find any objects, the possibilities that this project might reveal are worth considering.

In addition to the interview, here are some other interesting facts about the search for alien objects in the ocean:

  • The ocean is home to a variety of strange and unusual creatures, some of which have never been seen before. This suggests that the ocean is a place where we could find alien objects that are unlike anything we have seen on Earth.
  • The ocean is also a very quiet place. This makes it a good place to listen for radio signals from alien objects.
  • The Breakthrough Listen Ocean Search is just one of a number of projects that are looking for alien objects in the ocean. Other projects include the SETI Institute’s “Project Beacon” and the University of Hawaii’s “Oceanus Project.”
A vial full of red-type shards from Run 6 along IM1’s impact path. Image credit: Jeff Wynn.

Much like looking for a needle in the haystack, this could be a rather remarkable progression for humanity. The object debris found could have alien technology which possibly could be reversed engineered and made into something to better our lives. Well, at least that is the hope anyway as military forces would likely try to weaponize something to gain an unfair advantage on the battlefield. 

Many people believe we have already found numerous things such as these from long ago. What was done with them is the bigger question. As earth continues to become more crowded with technology, it will be quite difficult for whatever entities to hide or stealth their way around our world. These kinds of occurrences can no longer be everywhere, all of the time.

The search for alien objects in the ocean is a fascinating and important endeavor. It is possible that we will find alien objects in the ocean, and it is also possible that we will not. However, the search is worth conducting, and it is possible that it will yield some surprising results.

Source: Avi Loeb on Medium

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