This Unusual Cursed Gem, Has A Very Dark Past

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This unusual gem was said to be cursed and brought forth much despair to those who held it. Originally, the Hope diamond was stolen from a Sita idol in India. The thief who took it was later torn to pieces by dogs. The thief was believed to be a French gem merchant named Jean-Bapiste Tavernier. 

After this, everyone else who ever was around the diamond – was met with a horrible death or terrible luck including suicide and financial ruin. This particular diamond is incredibly rare and was believed to be first noted back in the year 1642, it weighs 45.52 carats. 

Image: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C

The name “Hope Diamond” was given to the gem by Henry Philip Hope, who purchased it in 1839. Louis XIV officially named it the “Blue Diamond of the Crown” and would often wear the diamond on a long ribbon around his neck. 

Later, when Louis XV, Louis XIV’s great-grandson, became king in 1749, he instructed the crown jeweler to use the blue diamond and the Cote de Bretagne (a huge red spinel that was once mistaken for a ruby), to create a decoration for the Order of the Golden Fleece. The decoration that resulted was really elaborate. 

When Louis XV died, his grandson, Louis XVI, ascended to the throne, with Marie Antoinette as his queen. During the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI were executed, although not, of course, as a result of the blue diamond’s curse.

After the royal couple sought to depart France in 1791, the crown jewels—including the blue diamond—were confiscated from them during the Reign of Terror. The diamonds were kept in the Garde-Meuble de la Couronne, a royal storage, although they weren’t securely protected.

The Garde-Meuble was regularly plundered between September 12 and September 16, 1791, but authorities were unaware of this until September 17. Despite the fact that most of the crown jewels were quickly found, the blue diamond was not and it went missing.

By 1813, a huge (44 carat) blue diamond was discovered again in London. By 1823, jeweler Daniel Eliason was the owner of the stone. Because of its distinctive cut, the blue diamond in London may not have been the same as the one that was stolen from the Garde-Meuble. 

However, the majority of individuals believe that given the rarity and perfection of the French blue diamond and the blue diamond that suddenly surfaced in London, it is possible that the French blue diamond was recut in an effort to conceal its provenance.

Daniel Eliason sold the blue diamond to King George IV of England, who later sold it to recoup his debts after the king’s death.

Rather remarkably, the Hope diamond will illuminate a red glow after being held under an ultraviolet light. This is typical for phosphorescence, which is common among colored type diamonds.

From what is understood, the curse promised bad luck and death for not just the diamond’s owner but also for everyone who touched it.The Hope diamond has piqued interest among people for many generations, whether or not you believe in curses or not. 

It is remarkably distinctive and lovely because of its excellent quality, size, and uncommon hue. Its fascinating past, which includes periods when it belonged to King Louis XIV, was stolen during the French Revolution, was sold to pay for gambling, was worn to generate money for charities, and was eventually presented to the Smithsonian Institution. This seems to only add to its allure.

Image: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C

Some of the people cursed by the Hope Diamond includes:

  • King Louis XIV of France, who was said to have died from gangrene after wearing the diamond.
  • Marie Antoinette, who was guillotined during the French Revolution.
  • Henry Hope, a British banker who went bankrupt after owning the diamond.
  • Evalyn Walsh McLean, an American socialite who was said to have suffered a number of misfortunes, including the death of her son, after owning the diamond.

While there is no real scientific evidence that supports the existence of this alleged series of curses, the reputation this gem has is rather remarkable. Over time, its legend only continues to grow. Currently, the Hope Diamond is being displayed at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. It arrived back in 1958.

There are some superstitious folks out there who think that this gem being displayed within the United States has brought forth turmoil and destruction to the country. Perhaps, but this is mere speculation and superstition at this point. However, it does make one wonder.

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