Category: Ghosts

Seen in both of these photos, appears to be ghostly looking heads. The exact town or city where these were taken isn’t known but believed to be somewhere in Mexico. These were shared online and remain both bizarre and compelling. Most certainly, if anyone was sitting or standing near one of these, they would be freaked out fast! One photo was labelled as cabeza-de-fantasma, which translates to head-of-ghost. Both photos are believed to be taken in the late night hours. Why these ghost heads appeared isn’t known. Most certainly, these have been laughed off as fakes but it isn’t known for sure just yet. There are so many things that happen in the world, that defy logical explanation. The first photo, shows a young man sitting down by his computer, with one bare foot and his leg crossed. The phantom faced fiend, seems to be snickering with gleeful delight. There is a zoomed in smaller second photo, that displays the face in somewhat closer detail. As seen, there appears to be a darker shadow behind the head. The object around the head seem to stand out. The head seems transparent like that of a ghost. Was this the spirit of someone that knew this young man in life? Of course, this could be more of a haunting type scenario. Why this haunted head torments this young man, is quite a mystery. The second photograph appears to show another head. Only this time it was captured outdoors by what appears to be a well of some sort. Conclusions lead one to believe, that someone may have died here and their restless spirit lingers behind. This phantom type head seems more difficult to believe. Was this someone simply wearing a mask of some sort? It is really creepy regardless. As seen in the other photo, the eyes appear to be glowing as well. Both of these obscure photos may be evidence of something paranormal happening. However, just like with many things it is difficult to believe. One theory about spirits lingering behind is, they are bound here in our world by something. Whether this is another person or an object of some kind, the result is the same it seems. These spirits are troubled by something that happened to them. They are in limbo as they linger around waiting to move on into the afterlife. Perhaps someone out there knows more about these photos, if so please contact us.

Phantom Heads Appear In Several Photos

Seen in both of these photos, appears to be ghostly looking heads. The exact town or city where these were taken isn’t known but believed to be somewhere in Mexico. These were shared online...

Ghost woman heard on camera

Ghost Hunting Team Gets Screamed At By Ghost

The Illinois Paranormal Researchers Association (IPRA) posted a spine chilling screech made by what appears to be a female ghost of some kind. Why she was protecting this area is unknown but clearly some...

Lauren Ghost Photo Oklahoma

Ghost Photobombs Teenagers Selfie

One study made by the Pew Research Center, mentioned that one-fifth of Americans believe they’ve seen a ghost. Comparably, each country is different, yet everyone knows what a ghostly spirit is. Around 72% percent...
