Fernando de Jesús Díaz Beato

Dead man posed at funeral home

Most people bury the dead with a certain respectful ceremony. This time the family took things a bit further. Perhaps their love and admiration for them was taken to whole different level. At San...

Monkey with mask

Monkeys wearing masks

  Far off in the eastern city of Jakarta which is located in Indonesia is a rather unusual spectacle happening. Monkeys with masks are captivating bystanders. This section of the city is considered the...

Peru Possesion

Mass demonic outbreak in Peru

Rather strange and disturbing footage was recorded recently. What is seen shows Peruvian children who were fainting, vomiting and convulsing at and around a school known as Elsa Flores School located in northern Peru....

800 pound woman

Woman loses 800 pounds

We all struggle with weight loss. It is something many people deal with each and every day. It is about the sheer will power to succeed and completely change oneself. Imagine being 1100 pounds and...

Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect

What we remember is crucial to our decision making in life. Our past memories can take over our thoughts. How can someone judge others so quickly without reflecting back at ones self? People can...

Sandy sees ghost

Woman sees ghost on cell phone

This was a fitting encounter for something so close to Halloween and Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead). What seemed rather routine turned paranormal when Sandy Cholette snapped a photograph of herself while...
