Nobody Wants This Mansion Because Of How Haunted It Is

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The Pierce Mansion is one of the most haunted homes in the entire United States. In 1875, S.K. Pierce built this very mansion with his very own hands back in 1875. The mansion is now valued at around $300,000 dollars and has been on the market since 2016. It was rumored that Pierce himself died after he finished construction of the mansion. Sylvester K. Pierce was a chair manufacturer, this mansion was quite large that he built. 

The Mansion has 10 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. It also has 11 foot ceilings, marble fireplaces throughout, and it still has all of the original windows, doorknobs, hinges, and floors that were originally installed. The mansion is 6,661 square feet in size.

Heartbroken from the loss of his wife, Pierce went on to marry a woman 20 years younger named Ellen. Pierce’s son didn’t like this and after time passed his new wife inherited the property. Not long after, Ellen died and their son Frank inherited the mansion during the early 1900’s. 

As fate would have it, Frank ended up losing the home to a bad gambling card game bet. Many believe that the mansion remains haunted by Pierce’s first wife.

This property went through some changes including being sold and used as a Freemason hall, a private home and a brothel was established. Some say that one of the women who worked at the brothel, was murdered in one of the upper bedrooms.

Another young girl was found in the nearby pond on the property. Either drunk or unable to wake up in time, a smoking Finnish immigrant died during their sleep inside the mansion as well. Norman Rockwell, Calvin Coolidge, Bette Davis, and P. T. Barnum reportedly all spent time at the mansion as well.

The mansion is located in Gardner, Massachusetts and it’s only 5 miles away from Amherst College. Of course who in their right mind would want to live in a place such as this? Well, a man named Edwin Gonzalez and his wife would end up moving in but their life quickly became a living nightmare of sorts back in 2008.

Many think that Gonzalez himself didn’t actually live on the property initially, yet he and his wife did for a while six months later. Conflicting information says that his wife refused to live there either. But from what is understood, she did live there shortly and died suddenly thereafter. Before her death, she and Gonzalez experienced random hauntings including potted plants that fell over, seeing shadowy figures, footsteps and a glass ornament that was moved from the mantle to the middle of the floor several times.

There have been reports of ghost sightings and goblins inside the mansion. There are also rumors that there are still treasures hidden in the house that have yet to be found! Some believe that his mansion is one of the most haunted places in all of the New England area. This place is quite famous and has been featured on television shows including Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventure, My Ghost Story, and 10 Most Haunted Places In New England.

Visitors who have come here have seen spirits like a small boy who was seemingly staring out into the nothing by the front window. Others say spirit shadows roam these very halls such as busy servants. 

Even from all of this, the mansion did sell more recently back in 2016. A man named Robert Conti from Manalapan, New Jersey bought the property. His initial plan was to create a “traveling haunted circus” of sorts. He since then has restored parts of the haunted Victorian mansion and opened it up to the public. 

“I didn’t really come into this believing in ghosts, but the minute I walked into this house, I was overwhelmed and had to excuse myself and get a piece of candy because I thought I was going to pass out,” Conti told reporters. “But maybe that was just me psyching myself out.”

(Source: theoccultmuseum)

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