Actor Roger Moore was haunted by ghostly visitations

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Roger Moore James Bond 007

He was debonair and was best known for portraying the famous Ian Fleming character James Bond seven times on screen. The late Roger Moore, left us on May 23, 2017. He was 89 years old. Previously, Roger Moore was seen on television as Simon Templar in the television series The Saint which aired from 1962 until 1969.

After this series ended, he went on to play Lord Brett Sinclair, in The Persuaders! He starred alongside Tony Curtis from 1971 until 1972. His television work got him the notoriety needed, to move onto film roles.

For all the 1980’s kids growing up, he was James Bond. Unlike others who have played James Bond, Rodger Moore delivered the best lines and brought a sophistication and suave to the role. To date, no other actor has accomplished this comparably. He had an impeccable comedic timing as well, with his line deliveries.

Rodger Moore took over the role of James Bond 007 back in 1972 and made his first appearance in the 1973 release of Live and Let Die. Roger Moore would become the longest serving bond in another six films until the 1985 release of A View to a Kill.

Roger Moore 007 movies

On screen, people remember seeing him fearless and level-headed. However, Moore later admitted to some haunting visitations while staying in Guildford, Surrey, just south of London. This experience happened to him, while staying at the Guildford’s Angel Hotel back during 1973. He revealed that one of the first films roles he had, was located in Guildford. It is here, where he was left shaken. (not stirred)

The hotel at the Guildford’s Angel Hotel, had several ghosts haunting it. It was reported that nuns were seen traveling down the 19th century staircases along with an Eastern European solider staring at them for such a time, that sketches were actually made of this. Moore admitted to being haunted by a ghost while he was there in town.

Sir Roger said: “I was frozen. I wanted to call out and scream, but couldn’t speak. I was numb—paralyzed from head to toe.

“I was sitting bolt upright in my bed and watching a white ghostly figure moving towards me.

“It was the apparition of a man. The shape of the body was clearly defined.

“There was a head, body and legs—but it was mist-like. I pulled myself together, somehow calmed myself and then tried to communicate with the ghost.

“I said softly: ‘What do you want? Are you troubled?’

“As I went to move from the bed the ghost disappeared—just vanished!”

The second night of his stay the apparition reappeared.

“It returned at the exact same time—about 2am,” Sir Roger said.

“I was petrified. I thought ‘It’s after me. What does it want with me?’

“I tried to make contact once again, but to no avail. It vanished again.

“In the morning, the room maid asked me, ‘Did you see the ghost last night, sir?’

“I replied, ‘Good heavens! How do you know about it? No—I didn’t see it last night.’

“She said: ‘I didn’t think you would.’

“I left the hotel—but often think about the incident. I never found out what it was all about.”

“When I went to the room on the third night, a bible—opened on the 23rd Psalm—was beside my bed. I hadn’t put the Bible there or opened it. But that night the ghost did not appear.

Former maid Mavis Dunkley was quoted saying several staff knew of a ghost and knew enough to leave the Bible open on the 23rd Psalm to ward it off.

Mavis Dunkley said: “The maid in Mr Moore’s room probably put the Bible there because the ghost was on the prowl.”

(Roger didn’t admit to all of this until later in life, wondering how it would all be received.)

Roger Moore was a gentleman and later was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II back in 2003. “Her Majesty said I’d been involved with charities for a long time, but she supposed that people will always call me 007,” Moore said. “I said that I didn’t mind because I was paid money for it!”

In a more recent interview, Moore praised actor Daniel Craig and his performance of James Bond. Jokingly, he said Craig is an actor and he was not.

A statement by his family was shared on his official Twitter page @sirrogermoore, it read: “With the heaviest of hearts, we must share the awful news that our father, Sir Roger Moore, passed away today. We are all devastated.”

Moore was born in Stockwell, London, England. His ashes were later scattered in Monaco as fans, friends and family continue to mourn for Moore.

(Source: Psychic News and Get Surrey)

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