Crazed woman cuts off mans penis for not looking into her eyes during sex

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Shania Jones age 34

What seems to be one of the most oddball stories yet, is what happened to a man after his failed attempt to make love to his girlfriend—which went terribly wrong. A woman named Shania Jones age 34 from Scottsdale, Arizona was arrested after severing her lovers penis in a wild rage of fury.

Shania told detectives on the scene, she was sick of him not making eye contact with her—while having sex. The mans name has been kept anonymous, however he has been given the name “Bruce Fox” as the story sent shock waves around the internet. The man was sent to the intensive care unit at Scottsdale Liberty Hospital, where he is now expected to make a recovery. From what is known, the mans penis was re-attached.

The entire event apparently took place at Fox’s home on Thursday night. Bruce mentioned that both he and Shania were having passionate sex when all of a sudden, she decided to get up…wandering towards the kitchen. When she returned, she sliced the tip of his penis off with a kitchen knife. It was a moment of madness for her, as she became temporarily insane.

She left Bruce in the bed bleeding—as she fled the scene of the crime. It is unknown if Bruce himself called the police, or someone else like a neighbor did. When authorities arrived on the scene, the found him terrified from this torturous moment. Medics at the residence, were able to keep his loss of blood somewhat under control, before he fell into deep unconsciousness.

A Lieutenant Mike Alvarez mentioned to reporters:

“A woman was arrested at her home on September 1st, 2016, after a male alleged that she severed part of his genitals during sexual intercourse. After questioning, the woman admitted to the crime, claiming that she lost her temper after the man refused to make eye contact with her. She has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and a bail of $15,000 has been set.”

Shania Jones now faced a courtroom appearance where she plead guilty. She now may face up to eight years in prison for what she did. There is no update yet to this crazy crime.

Lorena and John Wayne Bobbitt

A similar case happened in the United States, when a woman from Manassas, Virginia named Lorena Bobbitt cut her husbands penis off back on June 18, 1989. Lorena cut off her husband’s penis (John Wayne Bobbitt) with a knife while he was sleeping in bed. What kind of a woman would ever do such a thing? This is disturbing for any guy and quite the nightmare.

(Source: Yixes and Thug Life Videos)

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