Homeless Man Lives Inside Graveyard Tomb For More Than 15 Years

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His name is Bratislav Stojanovic and he has been living inside a tomb located in Serbia. His fears of being around the dead, are not what scare him. Instead, he is afraid of starving to death. Stojanovic is a former construction worker and sees things differently than most. The cemetery where he calls home is located in Nis. This area is located in the southern part of the city.

Bratislav Stojanovic living in cemetery

Stojanovic spends some of his day, foraging for candles around the cemetery…to keep himself warm during cold nights. As one can imagine, he must be cautious when he creeps out of the tomb not to frighten visitors.  

Nowadays, Stojanovic said, “I was afraid in the beginning, but I got used to it in time. Now, I am more afraid of the living than of the dead.”

Living among human remains is not quite as unnerving to him – as living among society itself. For over the last 15 years, Stojanovic has been sharing a tomb among the ashes of a family that died over 100 years ago locally. He attempts to keep this spot as cozy as possible. To him, this tomb is both dry and warm. He went on to say it isn’t a palace, but it’s better than being in the streets fighting against the elements.

He admitted things were tough starting out being in a cemetery. He sometimes would even forage around for cigarette butts to puff on. Where he is located within the cemetery, hardly anyone goes to anymore. During the day, Stojanovic scours the city’s dumpsters but it is not as bad as one might think. He said, “It’s amazing what people throw away.”

At one point, he was sharing his tomb with a girlfriend. But she later left him. As one can imagine living in a graveyard is a lonely lifestyle to maintain. There have been several occasions where other homeless people robbed him. Stojanovic wanted a place where no one else would bother him, not even the police.

It is unknown if Stojanovic is still living here. If so, it now would be 21 years that have passed by. He has called this tomb home, that is filled with garbage. His tomb, has the floor space of several square yards. Headroom is at a premium for him, as this tomb is merely one yard tall. Perhaps things have picked up for him, as his story has reached others.

(Source: International Business Times)

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