Terra-forming Is Happening To Planet Earth For Extraterrestrial Beings

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There is something happening to Planet Earth, that is causing the manipulation of weather and affecting natural habitats for wildlife. Certainly people are contributing to the pollution of the planet, yet temperatures have changed across various landscapes. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see, that some places are experiencing cooler temperatures more so than ever before.

Through a series of transformations, “Earth-shaping” will continue to happen. This process is a deliberate modification of the Earth’s atmosphere where temperatures change along with the topography.

Terra-forming Is Happening To Planet Earth For Extraterrestrial Beings

Perhaps Earth will undergo a physical pole shift, that would destroy all if not most of humanity. There are various theories about how the world might end. One of them is the great Nibiru cataclysm, a ticking time bomb of destruction where Earth will collide with a large planetary object (either from a collision or a near-miss). This allegedly will happen sometime in the early part of the 21st century.

This kind of thinking, has been labeled as mere hearsay and conjured up by “conspiracy theorists”. Likely all of this is happening, due to the reports of different alien and UFO sightings. This includes the large numbers of abductions that have happened. Some people have gone missing without a trace.

What happened to these people? Did they quite literally vanish off the face of the Earth? Were they taken by some kind of alien species? All of it is rather strange indeed, such as the cattle mutilations found. Are people being experimented on and cross bred with another species?

Some believe, that our planet is being changed in different ways, to make it more inhabitable by these extraterrestrials. There are apparently six to seven different alien species, that are fighting for the control of our world. The following species are believed to be here already:

The Sirians, a species believed to be from the Sirius B star system. They previously transmitted their knowledge to selective human civilizations. Some think that the Egyptians were blessed with both medical and astrological Know-how.

The Short Grays, are species between 3 to 5 feet tall. These creatures have round heads along with big black eyes. Despite having mouth, they rarely ever speak because most of their communication is conducted telepathically. They are minions of The Tall Grays. These short stature d aliens are both unemotional and vicious.

The Tall Grays, are a species described as being between 7 to 9 feet tall. Believed to be in agreement with a global shadow government, they oversee every abduction and human experiment. However, they don’t attend these sessions personally. Instead, they employ the Short Grays to do their bidding. They come from a star system in the Orion constellation.

The Alpha Draconians, are thought to be between 14 and 22 feet tall and weigh around 1,800 pounds. They are thought to be exceptionally intelligent and are described as having large sized heads along with serpentine type eyes. Possibly, they have both tails and wings. Their boundless egos, make them believe they have rights to rule planet Earth among other worlds, since they consider us as second-rate species.

The native Reptilians, are a race believed to have been here on Earth before us. They have infiltrated society controlling different affairs of human life. Their influences include the construction of our financial system among religious influences. They reside underground and control media and different corporate businesses. It is also believed that they stand behind most crimes against humanity.

The Anunnaki, represent a noble race of creatures from another galaxy know as Illywn. Their home was a planet called Rizq which was later destroyed, making planet Nibiru their new “residence”. Before they went to Earth, The Anunnaki colonized the planets in the Orion star system.

Their arrival on the Earth happened millions of years ago. Their intention was to seek for gold material so they alter their life on Nibiru. In order to do that, they are said to have created mankind so they could get help from them as a workforce in their process. It is thought that the Anunnaki are supervised by the Draconians and human beings share most of their DNA with these types of aliens.

All of this is quite a lot to comprehend and while it is far out there, some if not all of it could hold some truth. Hopefully, people will keep an open mind about what is actually happening in our world. There is much kept hidden away from us, to keep us under control.

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