Will Project Blue Beam Fool The World?

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Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory introduced by Canadian investigative journalist Serge Monast in the mid-1990s. According to Monast, the project involves four steps designed by NASA and the United Nations to create a New Age Religion led by the Antichrist. The first step would involve artificially-created earthquakes that would unearth artifacts indicating that religious doctrines of all nations have been misunderstood for centuries. 

The second step would involve a “gigantic space show” during which three-dimensional optical holograms and laser projections of holographic images would beam across the sky. These images would include projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., which would merge into one. 

Project Blue Beam
Image: thepeoplesvoice.tv

The third step is where mind control would take center stage. Telephonic communication devices would send waves to reach each person within their own minds convincing each of them that their own god is speaking to them from the very depths of their soul. The fourth step would be the establishment of a New World Order dictatorship led by the Antichrist.

Many believe that Serge Monast’s theories about a totalitarian world government and a simulated Second Coming of Christ are possible based on the information available. Others may dismiss them as fanatic lunacy.

Serge Monast was a Canadian investigative journalist, poet and essayist who is known best for originating the conspiracy theory Project Blue Beam. In the 1970s and 1980s, he was a journalist, poet and essayist. In the early 1990s, Serge started writing on the theme of the New World Order and conspiracies hatched by secret societies. 

He founded the International Free Press Agency (AIPL), where he published most of his work on these themes. In 1994, he published Project Blue Beam (NASA). This book detailed his claim that NASA, with the help of the United Nations, was attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order. He also gave talks on this topic.

Later Monast would die from a heart attack in his home back in December of 1996. He was only 51 years old. It was only a day later after he was arrested and spent time in jail. Many of his followers believe that his death was rather suspicious and they suggested that he was assassinated by “psychotronic weapons” of some kind. They think he was smudged out from him getting too close to what the agenda really was. 

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

There are many of his works still found around the internet and have influenced other “conspiracy theorists” such as American evangelical preacher Texe Marrs. Monast himself more or less suggested that people investigating this kind of information should not simply dismiss it as fanatic lunacy. The general public seems split on whether or not there is any truth to all of this. This theory could be a real possibility based upon the information found online and from other sources. This conspiracy theory has remained infamous within certain circles even nowadays. We can only speculate about it until such events unfold.

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