Former stripper becomes sex witch healer

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While there are a number of ways to experience sexual pleasures in life, this woman has tapped into something a bit different. Her name is Shaney Marie and she is 31 years old. She is a former stripper who has become what she calls a ‘sex witch’.

Now, she makes her living by teaching others about pagan eroticism. Through her teachings, she proclaims she can boost orgasms for both men and women. Shaney found her calling in life, through the use of witchcraft and practicing different spells.

Initially, Shaney delved deeper into the mystical arts, while she was still working as a dancer. Now, she uses her dance skills and witchcraft—to get people to experience a deeper sexual connection with one another.

Shaney Marie sex witch

Shaney lives in Australia, but was born in the seaside town of Kataia, New Zealand. She identifies herself as pansexual, meaning that she isn’t limited by gender. Shaney also said she is eco-sexual, meaning that she taps into the Earth and nature to further stimulate her sexual experiences. Business has been booming for her, as she plans to take her business opportunities into parts of Europe as well.

Shaney Marie sex witch healer

Most people are skeptical she says but once they try it—they will think otherwise. Some think she is merely casting a spell over everyone who walks through her door.

Shaney further explained how she thinks and feels:

“Sex witchery involves using ancient pagan ways of being to unlock greater pleasure pathways.

“When I was a stripper, I noticed most men were coming to me in search of deeper connections and had nowhere else to turn to.

“I looked back to ancient times. There were once temples where men would seek counsel and healing from erotic dancers. This has been distorted.

“Modern strip clubs are a power play. Men objectify women, but women objectify them with their wallets.

“It is no longer a place of love and there is not a lot of respect on either side of the sexes. I decided to return to the older roots and bring on an awakening.

“Phenomena like porn have also desensitized us. Spirituality is the best way this helps to recondition ourselves with erotic subtleties.

“I’m in a heterosexual relationship but I’m open to explore life so I could be described as pansexual.

“I’m also eco-sexual, which is about being turned on by the elements.

“It can mean surrendering to pleasure such as the winds blowing on your skin. The elements are important to witches and shamans alike.

“Spell crafting can involve boosting pleasure. It is is one of the most powerful forces you can experience. It’s like rocket fuel for manifestation.

“Australia has a big movement, especially in Melbourne and Byron Bay, of spiritual sexuality. More and more people are starting to dip their toes in it.

“There is a history of misinformation about witchcraft and paganism, but people are curious and spirituality is slowly replacing religion.

“Some people can definitely use spiritual pathways to cure trauma. But it must be done tenderly. We are ultimately sensitive and gentle beings.

“One of my clients was suffering from severe depression. He said after six sessions he felt more growth than he got from years of psychiatric therapy.”

Sex witch teachings by Shaney Marie

Most of Shaney’s clientele are quite diverse. Many of the men are between the age of 20 to 70. This includes women in different age ranges as well. Her clients are instructed to perform ritualistic practices, which includes praying at love-altars and erotic type dance workshops. She even instructs people to use crystals and sex toys—to further stimulate themselves so they can experience a more intense sexual climax.

Sex witch

Shaney also both practices and teaches spell casting to further enhance peoples sexual pleasures. She has extended her services, to conduct Skype conference calls giving consultations. This has since become a modern type twist on these ancient type traditions.

She also said people are trading their religion in for spirituality. What is right or wrong, is up to the individual persons interpretation. Beyond the bedroom, her services have offered therapeutic type qualities to people suffering from depression and other related traumatic experiences in their life. Those interested can read more about her here.

(Source: Mirror)

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