The haunting of Willard Library

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There are many of us who are bookworms, we enjoy reading and frequenting bookstores and libraries. This is something most anyone would do. However, what if you’re library was haunted? Located in Evansville, Indiana stands a library built back in 1877. There have been numerous sightings of an apparition which frequents this location. The property’s size is about 4.5 acres. The architectural style of the building is Victorian Gothic.


The building is quite intriguing. There are many different cultural artifacts which remain here. Why this place is haunted is still a mystery to many. The ghostly sightings consist of a veiled lady in gray. There are speculations of who she might be. Some believe that this is Louise Carpenter, daughter of the library’s founder, Willard Carpenter.

Willard took good care of his family providing for them. Upon his death, Louise was upset that she didn’t receive the bulk of the inheritance. Her father left most of his estate to the new library. She fought fiercely to fend for her claim. The case evidently was tossed out of court and Louise was left without her wants. It is believed that her grudge is the reason why she can’t move on into the afterlife and why she continues to haunt this location.


The people who work at the library have grown accustomed to seeing this spectacular spirit. They jokingly mention that she is considered another librarian and part of the staff. They see her often and there have been thousands of sightings. One oddity is that sometimes when she is seen, a strong scent of musky perfume can been smelled. There are reports of lights changing by themselves, books falling off shelves, and faucets turning on and off.


This spirit is not considered malevolent, however she has certainly claimed her take on this library letting others know that she is still here lingering in the shadows. Other reports include different ghosts who are now haunting this library as well. With all of these sightings, cameras have been installed to capture the unusual paranormal moments. There are even six different streaming cameras which can be viewed from the official website found here.

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