Cyber-Security Expert Warns Sex Robots Can Be Hacked To Kill People

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With technology comes new innovations and people are already cornering the market for sex dolls. Last year, hackers were able to take control and send a “vibrate command” to a sex doll’s butt plug last year.

Imagine more sophisticated movements, that could be manipulated through a series of commands. These advanced features could prove deadly.

Sex Dolls Can Be Hacked

Shockingly, these sex dolls could use ordinary kitchen knives and attack the user with violent actions. With the strength of some of these dolls, they could overpower the user and harm them. These sex dolls are becoming more real each year, companies such as LumiDolls are paving the way for future pleasure dolls like these. 

There have been some brothels setup, where people are paying to spend time with these sex dolls. It is a growing business and some places are circumventing laws that banning them by introducing lifelike androids to the mix.

People are placing orders for these kind of dolls and equipping them with the latest ad-dons, including artificial intelligent type commands. All of these sex bots are cutting-edge and continue to be improved upon.

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and now robots may soon replace actual human beings in many situations. It is bizarre to many but will become more mainstream as things continue to evolve. 

Some people have problems regarding sex whether it be they are embarrassed or cannot act out their fantasies with their partners. These dolls provide an outlet for those who are in need. The real concern is the hacking and malfunctions that could happen to these dolls. 

Newsweek: “Hackers can hack into a robot or a robotic device and have full control of the connections, arms, legs and other attached tools like in some cases knives or welding devices,” Nicholas Patterson, a cyber-security lecturer at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia, told the Star.

“Often these robots can be upwards of 200 pounds and very strong. Once a robot is hacked, the hacker has full control and can issue instructions to the robot. The last thing you want is for a hacker to have control over one of these robots. Once hacked they could absolutely be used to perform physical actions for an advantageous scenario or to cause damage.”

Cyber security expert, Dr Nick Patterson, said that it would be rather easy to hack a sex bot and make it violent against its owner. He told the Daily Star Online:

‘‘Hackers can hack into a robot or a robotic device and have full control of connections, arms, legs and other attached tools in some cases knives or welding devices.

‘‘Once a robot is hacked, the hacker has full control and can issue instructions to the robot.

‘‘The last thing you want is for a hacker to have control over one of these robots. Once hacked they could absolutely be used to perform physical actions for an advantageous scenario or to cause damage.’’

Dr Patterson, of Deakin University in Australia, even said that sex robots could replace real-life workers and will eventually mimic human activity.

He added:

“Robots need an operating system to operate just like our phones, tablets and laptops.

“As we have seen, it’s popular to have everything connected to the internet these days – phones, fridges, surveillance cameras, smart homes… robots are no different.”

Artificial intelligence expert, Noel Sharkey, previously said that sex robots could even bring on objectification, abuse, rape and pedophilia.

The subject is a controversial one and time will tell what will come of it. One man even married a sex doll.

(Source: Digital Trends, News Punch and

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