Several Schoolgirls Arrested Over Satanic Murder Plot

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It happened hours ago at Bartow Middle School, Florida. Several young preteen-age girls were devising a rather sinister plot, to kill younger students at their school. Their weapons of choice were a butcher’s knife, a pizza cutter and a pair of scissors.

Florida Bartow Middle School Satanic Murder Plot

Bartow Police Chief Joe Hall, held a news conference over the incident. He said, there were two girls involved in this. One age 11 and the other 12 years old. Their plan was simple, giving their allegiance to Satan, they were going to drink the blood and eat the flesh of the students that they were going to kill. After this, the girls made a pact suicide to later kill themselves after doing the devil’s work.

From what is known (as details are being released) the girls planned to kill around 15-25 students at their school. The girls decided after first-period classes, they would meet in a bathroom where they would wait for smaller students to enter and then overpower them. Going after larger students was out of the question for them, due to their size difference.

Bartow Middle School murder plot

Keeping their weapons concealed under their clothes, they planned to kill students by slashing their throats inside bathroom stalls. Disturbingly, the two girls researched how to kill someone with a knife before devising their foiled plan. The girls targeted key points on the body, where someone would bleed out the fastest according to police reports. The blood was going to be consumed with a goblet.

The girls plan failed, after a assistant principal found the two students in one of the bathrooms together. One of the two girls mother apparently called the school, after receiving an automated phone call informing her that her daughter was absent. She realized, this must have been a mistake.

After the girls arrived at the principal’s office, they were forced to surrendered their weapons. Among the pizza cutter and scissors, were several knives with blades estimated at being around 5 or 6 inches in length.

Knife Bartow Middle School Murder Plot

Later, authorities searched the girl’s homes in search of clues and found a hand-drawn map that included the phrase, “go to killin bathroom”. This was the same bathroom where the girls were found.

Lyrics were written down by one of the girls that had violent undertones by Eminem and Florence + the Machine. A poem was also discovered which said the following: “trying hard to leave./stuck in a endless abyss./claw a way out, now”. A note also said, “Today is health lessens thank Satan we’re doing this in bit.”

Snapchat messages were also discovered referring to their murder plot. One of the messages said, “We shouldn’t have met each other lol. Now Death is near,” and, “I was thinking like stabbing ourselves in the necks.”

The reason the girls wanted to do this, was simply to be with Satan in hell. All of this is shocking and many people are upset over this incident. Thankfully, nobody was harmed thanks to the staff at the school and the police.

Fortunately, there were already more police around the campus area – due to a rumored threat to the students. Superintendent Jacqueline Byrd mentioned that both counselors and extra law enforcement will be made available during the rest of the school week. The names have not been released of the two girls, since they are still minors by law.

(Source: CNN)

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