Little girl lost in Siberia

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Karina rescued

Sometimes children can surprise you, they are more resilient than we imagine. This story could have ended badly, instead it was quite amazing…as a 4 year old little girl survived being alone in the Siberian wilderness for 11 days. The area she was lost in is known for being bear-infested. Siberia, also known as north Asia, spans 13.1 million square kilometers in size. There are around 40 million Russian people who live across this landscape.

Karina Chikitova with her dog

The girl’s name is Karina Chikitova, she was on her way to visit her father in the northeastern Sakha region. Her father had apparently gone to fight a wildfire in the woods, the little girl was only trying to find her father and got lost looking for him. She wasn’t alone entirely at first as her dog was with her for a while, it is unknown what type of dog this breed is.

Panicked her parents and others organized an effort to find her. Rescuers were restricted in their efforts while searching for the little girl due to the amount of bears living in the area. Desperate and bewildered days later her dog returned to the local village, this gave rescuers some idea of her whereabouts.

Trailing her approximate location it seemed she was around four miles away. Perhaps a supernatural force was protecting this small girl, as she was found some 11 days later. One spokesman said: “It’s simply incredible that she was found safe with so much wildlife in the forest”.

Guessing how she survived, it seemed she was eating wild berries and drinking from streams while her dog kept her warm at night cuddling up to her and scaring away any predators while she slept.

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